The Diocese of Southwark, founded in 1905, forms part of the Province of Canterbury in England and is part of the wider Church of England, in turn part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. The Diocese covers primarily the area of Greater London, which is south of the Thames, together with the eastern part of the county of Surrey. It is one of the largest dioceses in terms of population and parishes as well as one of the most diverse.
We share a vision for the future in which we will see:
• growing churches, new worshipping communities and new Christians
• deepening discipleship: engaged, prayerful and informed Christians
• growth in vocations to existing and new ministries
• generous giving and prayer supporting all we do
• justice and peace built up, and violence challenged, in our local and global community
• a shared commitment to the integrity of Creation
• a Church for all which reflects our diverse community in membership and leadership, including growth in United Kingdom minority ethnic (UKME) vocations and appointments.
Our Vision is founded on mutual commitment from all who make up the Diocesan family to walk together in the pilgrimage of faith, supporting, encouraging and resourcing each other in our common task.